We moved into a house in June and it has been non stop fun... well adventure. There has been a couple of fun projects that we have completed that have greatly improved our living arrangements. When we finally got a food pantry we took living luxuriously to the next level. Well a couple of Saturdays ago we did our first major yard work project. There was this huge tree next to our house, well the trunk of it was huge anyway. The leaves and branches looked like it was a young tree but the trunk looked like it was old. Then it was painted in some places making it look like it had been termite infested at one point. Here is the before pic.
You can kinda see the paint to try and stop the termites. So that was the tree, big trunk and little branches. Then one Saturday our friend Calan came over and what did they want to do? Maybe play with a chainsaw and cut this bad boy down. So they go to work and what they found inside that trunk is astounding! It was completly hollowed out! There was a two inch ring and then the rest was completely gone. I was busy watching kids while the big part came down, so this is them toward the end:
Here is Pete digging in it:
Then standing in it, trying to show how deep it is:

Here is the awesome shot of the trunk:
And that is the story of our tree that was a hazard waiting to happen.
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