My husband has become a huge wiffle ball guy. It started out as a little hobby where he would go outside and make a wiffle ball dance like crazy. Then he searched on the internet one day to find if their was a legal strike zone designed for wiffle ball and a whole world opened up for him. There are official rules including double plays, there is no base running, and there are even tournaments that lead up to a world series. Then we met this guy named Richard and we call him the wiff master. Richard came out to Corona and led practicies and encouraged Petey to get into the tournaments. Petey was finally able to play in a tournament a weekend ago. His team consisted of Jay Hobbs and Steve Taynton. The first game of their careers they were annihilated which was very fitting. I think it brought them down to earth. I do have to admit that the tournament was a lot of fun and the most bizarre part of the whole tournament is that I ran into a girl that I used to play club soccer with.

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