For Ally's first Halloween we went to our church's Sugar Rush. It was a ton of fun. For the majority of the night we ran some games. We were in charge of bowling and the game where you have to knock over the cans with a bean bag. We tried bowling with Ally but she didn't slide down the board to well. She was good at knocking over the cans but it became a little old always having to pick up the cans.

Ally and I were originally going to dress up as Angela (Me) and a cat (Ally). This is funny if you watch The Office. We changed our minds because it would have taken planning and we didn't know if Pete should be Andy or Dwight. Either one would not have been up to date with the show but it would have been really fun. So we figured out a better threesome to be: an inappropriately dressed foreign soccer player, a referee, and a soccer ball. The best part of our costumes was that everyone figured out who we were without heaving to explain it.

Unfortunantly I was the only one who took pictures with our camera so I was not in any. But there was a photo booth where Ally and I were the test subjects to make sure the lighting was correct. There were many pictures taken and of course this is the one that came out but it is the only one that I have of my outfit.