Saturday, March 12, 2011

Photo Phun

My dear friend has let me borrow her AMAZING camera for a little bit, which she can do since she has gotten an UBER-AMAZING camera recently. It has been more difficult to figure out than I thought it was going to be, but I have refused to let myself use the automatic mode therefore making it necessary to learn the ins and outs. The other day I was outside at my in-laws house with Ally trying to work on my camera skills. There are a couple pictures that I was able to snap accidentally but absolutely love them.

I love how Ally is out of focus.

It makes me feel a sense of wonder.

Like that could be me playing with the red wagon.

Or running without a care in the world.

This one I tried really hard to do and also love it.

So these are my first photos with a nice camera. It has been a really fun hobby to have added to my daily life.

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