Before Pete and I started dating, he made me promise to make sure that he went skydiving before he died. We had been saying that it would be a present to each other for a while. It stated with our second anniversary present, then Christmas, then our third anniversary present, then Pete's Birthday. Finally, on December 23, when both of us realized that we hadn't gotten each other anything for Christmas, I said "Pete we are going skydiving on December 30 as our Christmas present to each other". We invited Jeff, Pete's brother, and on December 30th all of us drove out to the Perris Valley Skydiving Center. Unfortunately it was cloudy and it needs to be clear enough to see the ground from the airplane, When your are being dropped from 12500 feet, that's a lot of space that needs to be clear. Luckily all of us are teachers and were able to go back the next day, with it being vacation and all. And as a double bonus Steve, another one of Pete's brothers, was able to go. So we made our journey back to Perris Valley and took the leap. It was amazing! The rush and excitement of the jump lasted the whole day. Every time I try to explain what I felt and don't do it justice. Just know that it was amazing. I still look at the blue sky and remember back to the feeling of free falling and it makes me think that I won't be any less nervous the next time I go. It was amazing!

This Picture was backlit so I tried to photoshop it but didn't spend enough time on it, oh well. This was after our jump.