February 14
th we had Ally's pictures taken by my teacher friend, Laura, at her house where she has her studio. It was quite an experience. I can remember going to get my picture taken at Olen Mills when my sisters and I were still young and cute, but then we grew up and stopped going. I didn't know what clothes to bring so I pretty much brought all of her
girly clothes and then I threw in my favorite things to put her in. My favorite picture is the one where she only has a beanie on. I love that beanie even though it's pink and I HATE pink. Having a little girl only makes me hate it more. Ally did very well at the photo shoot. She would start to cry so I would try giving her a pacifier and she actually took it! Since the photo shoot I can count on one hand how many times she has taken the pacifier again. Oh well, I kinda like the fact that she doesn't like pacifiers. Now I will show you the pictures from the shoot.

In this picture she looks a lot like my little sister Jane.
She is so cute in this outfit but I also wanted to post one of her crying.
We use that bathrobe all the time.
I think she already knows sign language.

This is my favorite picture.

Can you find her toe jam?